KWESST Electronic Decoy Patent Receives Notice of Allowance from U.S. Patent Office

KWESST Electronic Decoy Patent Receives Notice of Allowance from U.S. Patent Office
October 5th, 2020 – Ottawa – KWESST Micro Systems Inc. (TSXV: KWE) (“KWESST” or “the Company”) today announced that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) has issued a Notice of Allowance for the Company’s patent application covering its PhantomTM electronic battlefield decoy.
“This marks an important addition to KWESST’s technology portfolio,” said Jeff MacLeod, President and CEO, who added that, “The allowed claims cover both the miniaturized device itself and methods of deploying it, which we believe constitute significant protection of the invention.”
KWESST’s PhantomTM system addresses the latest requirements for miniaturized electronic decoys that can be easily deployed by soldiers or drones in contested areas of operation to prevent adversaries from accurately locating NATO forces. “Owning the patent that protects both the technology and the method of deployment gives KWESST a distinct advantage in a vast emerging market of next-generation electronic countermeasures,” said the Company.
The Notice of Allowance from the USPTO covers fifteen patent claims for a programmable multi-waveform radiofrequency generator capable of broadcasting and emulating all relevant military waveforms to create electronic battlefield decoys that deceive adversaries regarding the location of NATO friendly forces.
The Company added that it is filing additional claims by way of a “Continuance” to expand the scope of its patent even further.