KWESST Conducts Invitation-Only Live Fire Demo of TASCS Sniper and Indirect Fire Module

KWESST Conducts Invitation-Only Live Fire Demo of TASCS Sniper and Indirect Fire Module
January 16, 2018
KWESST today announced a live fire demonstration of its Tactical Awareness and Situation Control System (TASCS) Sniper and Indirect Fire Module (IFM) variants to invited guests from the Canadian Department of National Defence (DND), the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Public Service and Procurement Canada (PSPC) and selected members of industry.
KWESST CEO Jeff MacLeod commented that “This is the first opportunity KWESST has had to officially introduce it TASCS Sniper and IFM systems in a live fire situation. As a Canadian company, we feel strongly that the home market is key to our success”. Invited members were able to experience the ability to handoff and engage targets with the TASCS Sniper system and to fire a 40mm LV grenade launcher equipped with the TASCS IFM system to engage unseen targets at up to 300 meters.
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